Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hi again...

I think the word for the week will have to be "sporadically" - a "Clueless" reference, but also good to describe my work on the blog!

However, the advantage to infrequent postings is the easy availability of news for each post. :)

In the interim since my last post, I have taken up a position with Volunteering SA (not, I might add, as a volunteer!), so I now have some longer-term job security. The job involves managing our Volunteer Referral Service (we collect volunteer positions from member organisations and advertise, and also interview and refer potential volunteers).

I have also purchased a new car; I'm currently trying to find a name for it. It is newer than my last one (a VF Valiant named Vincent) - a 1971 this time, rather than 1970. But I'm continuing my record of only buying cars older than me, lol! This car is a VG Valiant, white like Vinnie but with a black vinyl roof and interior (all original). It also has the utterly desirable venetians on the rear windscreen, and a front sun visor - also vinyl covered. It's a V8 (always attractive!), and is a Regal 770 - the luxury sports model with a tachometer, lol. Quite wonderful, if you happen to be a Valiant - or even just old car - enthusiast.

My previous car was stolen from the street outside my house, which was annoying at the time. But, I'd been looking to sell it anyway, so it wasn't an insupportable blow for me.

That's the big news from my life; my thoughts haven't really been on education much of late. They've tended to focus on the war in Lebanon, my job (volunteering is one of the cornerstones of a civil society, of course...), and the debate regarding the Australian Government's proposed changes to the immigration laws. I will try and post something about these issues over the weekend - if I can coax my home computer into working, lol!



Blogger Leonie said...

Photos of the car, please!

And I can think of several names for the car, but they may be derogatory. :-)

What does he look like? Or is it a girl car? Funny, but all our cars tend to have boys' names...


7:42 PM  
Blogger Anthony Westenberg said...

Hey Luke! as you can see, I am using my account so, as the Lukes say, everyone can see "Gangsta" Anny.

Your car has a cool sounding engine but I don't say it's cool til' I see pictures which I think are cool!

9:00 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Hi Luke-

So glad I checked in and saw your post!

Yes.. I agree that infrequent posting is nice. I have felt at times that 'blog pressure' otherwise known as BP creeps in. So, posting just when it strikes one is a nice alternative.

I didn't know other people names their cars.! Or is that an Aussie thing? I had a lovely Honda Accord that I loved. It was new- (the first new car I ever owned) so would probably not appeal to you. It was named Speedy. No, I didn't really speed, but it was so quick and light that it just got dubbed that somehow. That was the car Stephen was raised in from a babe.

Then I traded up to a Volvo wagon ( you have been in that car) and it had a name sort of.. we called it Silver, but it was a lame name so didn't stick.

Now what I have alwyas wanted was a home that had a name. Like Little Lea or Tara or something. Might be a bit pretentions to name our suburban house something.. I don't know.

Will wait with bated breath for your thoughts on the war and immigration. The boys (all three) and I have had many a discussion on the Arab/Isreali confict.. roots, why, how, will it always be, who is doing what and why.. and what does it mean to us. Thougth we don't get too far b/c it gets a bit scary at times.

Just gotta keep praying. Immigration is a big deal here, too. We now have illeagal imm. living in the woods near our home doing drugs, lighting fires at night etc. I knw there are a lot of good people just looking for work but there are a lot of not good people coming, too.

Will check in now and then...

Congrats on your job and on your car. Yes, photos would be nice!

7:13 PM  
Blogger Leonie said...

Are you gonna do the tag thing that you were sent? And add some pics? :-)

1:23 AM  

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